

Our Vision

The High Mountain Youth Project of Lincoln County, New Mexico, (HMYP) envisions a loving and caring community where all youth are protected, empowered, loved, respected and treated with dignity. 

Our Mission

The mission of High Mountain Youth Project of Lincoln County, New Mexico, is to involve the communities of Lincoln County to provide a comprehensive net for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Our tax ID number is 47-2870750. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law

We provide a safe and healthy environment at our Evening Drop-in Center, where students can relax and interact with other students and trained and caring adults. The Center is currently open Monday through Friday from 4-9 PM and from 2:30-9:00 PM on Wednesdays (early release days for schools). We offer free resources – snacks and a hot meal, a place to do laundry, a quiet place to study – including the use of computers and help with homework, tutoring, high school credit recovery, arts & crafts. indoor and outdoor recreation, and a library. Students ride the school bus or provide their own transportation, to the Center and we can provide rides home. 

Referrals to other resources and services are also available.

We are located at 637 Sudderth Drive, between the Old Mill and Yee’s Chinese Restaurant in Ruidoso, New Mexico.

Coming in March 2024–24-hour Youth Crisis Shelter with emergency overnight care

You can be part of the solution

Our Goal

The Goal of the High Mountain Youth Project is to provide a comprehensive safety net for youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness and other vulnerable youth to help them stay in school and graduate prepared for higher education or the workforce.


Our mission is to involve the communities of Lincoln County, New Mexico, in providing a comprehensive safety net for students experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.


The High Mountain Youth Project of Lincoln County, New Mexico, (HMYP) envisions a loving and caring community where all youth are protected, empowered, loved, respected and treated with dignity.

Call For More Information.

Our Board

The High Mountain Youth Project Board of Directors is composed of  professional and caring community members who donate their time, efforts, and resources for the good of the youth of Lincoln County. Heartfelt thanks to outgoing  Board Members for your service and commitment to our mission–Celeste Barns and Joni Stettheimer.

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